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Elaine Louise
Writer and Artist


Elaine Louise, born in the 1970's within the beautiful Cotswolds region, and raised on a pretty bleak and rough council estate. Author of four books, where the hard knocks of childhood have greatly inspired her instinct to write.


Elaine has been a race horse trainer, a lover of speed and fast cars, and survived a kidnapping in North Africa. She worked as an International Marketing and Communications Executive within Financial Services, and after more than a decade of travelling and honing her skills, she packed away her pinstripe suits and high heels and left the UK for good.


Since 2007, you can find Elaine in the midst of the Swiss Alps, where she now lives peacefully with her husband, three daughters and Mabel the naughty Labrador. Here she is more suitably attired in ripped jeans and trainers, with a pen in one hand and a huge mug of Yorkshire Tea in the other, busy contemplating her next books.



Rory M., Switzerland

"Some things are difficult to look at or hear about. But it's our responsibility to see the world as it is and not only how we wish it to be. The story of this child is an example. Read this to see what happens to some kids, and to this one, and to understand how important it is that we have safeguards and systems and above all people who care to ask and to protect. That Elaine Louise went on to marry and have three daughters, and to restore antique furniture and design interiors and run bed and breakfasts in Switzerland also inspires us as to the resilience of humans and potential for survival and thriving. But that came after the despair and rough times, and those are what this book tells us of - directly, without dressing or unnecessary drama."

Amazon customer, UK

"In the face of adversity, a young girl navigates her way through a childhood no-one should suffer.

Carefully written, engaging, poignant and incredibly visual without being graphic, as harrowing as this account of the author's experience is, it's a truly enlightening read.

I'd recommend it to anyone who would like to consider a wider context to the world around them, maybe considering the childhood they endured, and how lucky some of us are, even if our own lives contain challenges. Some truly have lived through times that should never have been.

I'm currently reading the second book and, throughout both, there are beautiful glimmers of hope, realisation and growth of a beautiful rose, growing her own way in a world of unfairness and torment.

I wish this brave and gifted author nothing but the very best for her future. Thank you for sharing with the world your intimate story for others to take inspiration.."


“I absolutely LOVED reading this and am forever grateful that I found this amazing series. The last page left me wanting the third installment as soon as possible. It was very interesting and I found myself reading it all in one sitting once I had a quiet space, as it's a real page turner. Some of the characters in this book had me steaming angry and I felt such sadness for the main character; beautiful writing to pull us in like that.

This was a very well written book that always kept me interested. The devastating events made me not want to stop reading and the full characters just added to the plot. It was an in-depth story and I loved the way it was written. This book was a roller coaster read for me. I did not guess the ending which surprised me a lot because I usually guess the ending or plot twist of the books that I read; not this time. If you enjoy being on a roller coaster and watching how a story unfolds in unusual ways, you will enjoy this novel. However, if you like stories that are tied up in neat packages, you’re going to be disappointed; this leaves you surprised, which I like.

I am counting down the days until I find out what happens next.”


I'm often asked the question about how I write and what's my process.  I tell everyone the same thing - I'm rather 'Old-School' when it comes to my writing.  
I spend considerable time in the planning stages, developing a mind map to help structure the overall book and chapter development to help keep me focused and not let my mind wander, as it often tends to.
My tools are simple.  A good quality lined writing pad and a Bic Biro, its my pen of choice, and no other pen will do!
I hand write all my books, simply because the process is cathartic and helps aide the flow of thinking.  I go through my own editing process once the book is finished and as I type it up.  It takes longer, but the process works for me.  
Elaine Louise, Writer and Artist
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